lunes, 28 de julio de 2014

Go explore the World.... It's Yours!!

I am have very peculiar ideas. One of them is to want to travel and do what you want to do before the age of 30, before I reach the responsibilities and although I already have some, I can say that in my almost 27 years, I have lived my life full and happy, free and unfettered.

What you must do is QUIT your comfort zone, go and discover the world that is waiting for you outside the doors of your house, outside your school and office!
When we give ourselves the opportunity to do what we want, what really makes us feel full and satisfied, we experience true happiness. But getting to this point requires to find our true self and a very important step to do that is TO TRAVEL!

 One of the most interesting and enriching pleasures we can have is to travel. 

When we travel we can enjoy different cultures, different ideologies and ways of seeing life. We can see the world through the eyes of others and our own.

The young adult who has traveled has a different perspective on the current reality. After having experienced the feeling of being surrounded by different cultures we create our own culture, we have different expectations for the future and our perspective expands beyond our city and even country of origin.

 Without any fears I can share with you my experience, which made ​​me grow in personal, professional and spiritual aspects.

I am originally from Mexico City but I was raised in Cancún (yeah, spring breakers Paradise). I always had the desire to leave home, leaving the city in which I lived and start writing my story with my own merits.

When I was 19 I moved to Monterrey, where I was fortunate to study at one of the best universities in the country, the Autonomous University of Nuevo León. The educational experience was not as I would have liked but being away from home, alone, helped me growing up in a huge way.
I had the chance to live alone and make friends with people from around the country and the world!
That's why I became interested in going "beyond". The experience in Monterrey changed me without realizing it. It was not until months after my return home (Cancun, Mexico) that I realized I wanted to expand my horizons further.

You do not need to be 100% independent for travel.
You can still depend on your parents, but I guarantee that once you've been on your own, away from family (to which you'll miss), your standpoint upon return will be different.

I had the great blessing of living in New York, United States for a little over two years. Imagine, a world-famous for being cosmopolitan, multicultural, modern city. Rich in every way! (Soon I will write about my experience there).

It was only then that I realized that my pleassure was to TRAVEL AND ENJOY DIFFERENT CULTURES.

Imagine how cool it would be to go to Egypt, Berlin, Paris, Mexico! Seriously do not stay with the desire to fly and jump off your bed, go away from home. You will see your life changes permanently and for the better!

That's why, if you have the opportunity to take a trip, do not think twice, DO IT!

There are many special places that you can go, and in some cases you don't even need need to spend a lot of money! There are several programs to volunteer in countries that you can not even imagine! It's just a matter of wanting to start your own adventure to spice up your life and enrich your knowledge through unique and perhaps unrepeatable experiences! 

-Julian Fúnez.

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